Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pumpkin Season

When the temperature starts to dip into the 50s, part of me wants to run to the nearest pair of sweatpants and just hide out with a blanket until next summer….

The other part of me - the much bigger part - is sooooooooooo 

It means it is pumpkin season!! Which is another name for birthday season!!
My Halloween Birthday Season to be exact. But even though I’m only a week away from B-Day. I’m not putting all the pumpkin goodness on the backburner. Here are my super moist, super tender, best ever.

And don’t think I wouldn’t get an up close view of this cinnamon flecked cream cheese frosting. 

I know they are simple. I didn’t even use a bag and tip to make them pretty. But I cannot emphasize enough how delicious they were. I will definitely be making a pumpkin and cinnamon cream cheese cake for my birthday. 


Sunday, September 29, 2013

And the winner is....

The winner of my very first frosting contest was....
Jessica Shauger 
She guessed mint chocolate for the frosting, which is something that is not currently on my list of frosting flavors but something that sounds very yummy for this upcoming wintery season. This is definitely my new inspiration. Because honestly who doesn't like a Peppermint Mocha Latte? seriously are there really people who don't like that? 

Just kidding. I'm married to one of those people. 

Now time for the big decision...what flavor cupcakes will she choose for her free dozen?!?!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Chocolate Cupcake contest

Today I'm doing my first contest on facebook to try to get my brand out to more of the public then just my circle of facebook friends. Because even though I appreciate everyone liking my page (which I do.. I really really do appreciate it) until I actually start getting more than one customer a month (whom I also appreciate very very much) I'm kinda at a stand still. 

So for my first contest I posted this picture

  They are chocolate cupcakes I made for a fundraiser today. I then asked people to share my page and guess what flavor frosting I put on them for a chance to win a dozen free cupcakes. 

hint, is what they looked like when they were finished. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fondant : (fon-DONt or fon-DINt?)

This past weekend I made fondant. I've been obsessing over these small cutting cakes that are so artfully decorated to be the showcase for all my cupcakes. 

The closer I get to doing my first wedding (which is beyond exciting in itself) the more pressure I'm putting on myself to make the best cutting cake ever...and the more I start to freak out over transporting this cake. I don't care how laid back of a bride someone may be...pretty sure a cake that is a frosting crumbly mess will not be ok. 

So that brings me back to fondant. It definitely isn't a magic safety belt...and the little decorations can be extremely fragile, or so I've heard. I've never used it before this weekend. And I still haven't transported them. Nonetheless, I still love the look which is where my obsession begins. But anyone who has every purchased a fondant cake should know it is pricey. 

Before that lets start with what it even is. Fondant is basically edible sugar play dough. People can love it or hate it...or know nothing about it, or think they love it or hate it without even trying it. Bakers can buy it- which a lot do. But you can also make it- which of course is what I did. Why buy anything when you can make it yourself? This is pretty much my motto for life and sometimes the worst thing about myself (I'm just thinking about all the unneeded stress I put on myself planning for my wedding..ahhhh) 

But back to Fondant...(again) If you buy it from a store it is expensive and every baking forum I'm been in looks down on store bought fondant (well most of it) and brags about how much everyone loves their MMF. Marshmallow Fondant. It is very sweet...but fondant is sugar dough so that made sense and sounded way better than the tasteless dough the stores sell. 

It is actually very easy to make, but very time consuming. I read through a bunch of different recipes and tutorials before I started. Then I read through all the comments on the tutorials and recipes. They were all different in some slightly way but I just went with my gut and trusted one. Seeing the comments I was prepared for a disaster and after an hour of melting and mixing and kneading I crossed my fingers and let it rest for the required 24 hours. 

Then I baked some cupcakes- and got busy with my decorations. With the full intention of giving them out with a little flyer to let people know I want to make cupcakes for you!! 

But I got busy coloring and molding and trying to cut out without the hundreds of cutters and embossers that the professionals have. And my cupcakes spent an extra 20 minutes baking (not good) So I definitely was not going to share those.  But I already had one bird done so here he is..perched on a burnt cupcake with his little flower. And a little quilted fondant cupcake in case he decides he wants to move around.  :) 

So here they are. 

I loved the whole process and can't wait to have a couple free hours to actually bake cupcakes and decorate a whole set to give away. I promise those pictures will be in focus...but I only had a couple seconds to snap this picture before rushing off to a meeting so please forgive me for this fuzzy shot. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Apple-Cheddar Cupcakes

Awhile back I set out to create a new fun flavor for a cupcake. Since it was mid-July I wanted something fresh and light...but ultimately my love of fall flavors won out. Since apple and pumpkin have pretty much become the staples of the season I wanted to change it up just a bit. So here is my Apple-Cheddar Cupcake with Ginger Cream Cheese Buttercream. 

First, I made the chunky apple filling. Ooey-gooey bubbling brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and apples. I'm not sure why ginger was all over my mind that day but I'm glad it was, yum.

Next, came the cupcakes.
(I forgot a picture of them before they were filled..but you get the idea.)
If you look below you can see those big chunks...thats cheddar.
yum. cheeeeeeeese.

Then I cored the cupcakes and filled them up with my chunky apple filling. I made a really quick cream cheese frosting, adding in cinnamon and ginger because those were my go-to spices that day. It was pretty hot in my kitchen from the oven so my frosting was a bit soft. So instead of getting out a bag and tips I just slapped on some of that soft (but still delicious) frosting and cut up some little garnishes to cover it up.

Then I did what any rational person would do...went out to the back yard and had a mini photo shoot for my cupcakes. I mean rational people would do that right? RIGHT? 

 Oh and now lets try to get a little more of your curves with the sun from the other side. There we go, show off that cheddar!! 

Work it, Work it..Let me see those spices!!!
Ok, maybe I need to get out of the house a little farther than the back yard.

In the end, my favorite picture was this close-up. You can see the frosting melting in just a bit, the chunky apple filling is soaking into some of the cupcake, the chunks of cheddar are just enough to catch you off guard but not distract you and the cake had a caramelized sugary top and super tender inside that was just enough contrast to be Ah-maaazing.

The apple and cheddar garnishes are probably the only thing I would change. I think the apple's look a bit like a slice of cucumber here and the cheddar sticks in an "X" just look odd. But I have a super fun (and pretty) idea for next time :)

Friday, July 19, 2013

My story

It all Started when.
This day last summer, during a weekend trip to Traverse City, I walked into one of the cutest shops I had ever been in. The lights looked like giant cupcake wrappers with bright pink flowers, pastel ovens fronts wrapped around flat screen televisions, the exposed brick walls had oversized flatware as decoration and the cupcakes and cakepops were displayed on lit shelves like a boutique.
I became enamored with the idea of starting my own cupcake shoppe (with two ps because somehow that made it more of a boutique in my mind.I spent the four hour drive home talking about flavors and names with my mother. The idea of an actual storefront was quickly dismantled by the sheer amount of money and time it would take and as a freshly laid-off graduate student with a new baby; time and money were two things I could not sacrifice. 

Then a Change
Instead of giving up, I had to shift to a cottage food industry home bakery. All the fun of packaging and baking for other but the rules are much stricter on how I can market my products and how I can sell them but it allows me the opportunity to try out this dream without the sacrifice. I spent last fall staying up late to come up with new recipes and packaging concepts. With the help of my mother, Diane, and my sister, Samm, I was able to participate in Winter craft shows but with mediocre results. Despite the compliments I received over and over again the orders were not exactly pouring in. Instead of seeing it as a need to market myself better I took it as a sign to spend more time with my baby and on school. It would have stayed that way with my dream silently deflating on the back burner but then spring rolled around an orders came in for a birthday cake here then a graduation cake there all for family members. Then a friend of a family member. And another friend and I have been forced to learn to market myself better.

And Now..
This Fall, I will be going to school full time for my teaching certificate, substituting part time and baking as much as possible for anyone that will let me. Instead of trying to do too much, I have trimmed down my menu to only my favorite items to bake.
My cupcake menu has been chosen to have traditional and unique flavors that have an interchangeable quality and the possibility of something different each bite. The artisan cupcakes will continue to grow and change with the seasons and the search for local ingredients and international flavors.
I have included small cakes to my menu. Smash Cakes, Cutting Cakes for a wedding, and little birthday cakes. I will be the first to admit my skill set is weakest here but this is also the area I am improving in the quickest.
My cookie menu is small but packs a flavor punch. Decorated Sugar Cookies take center stage- not just as a holiday favorite to gift but as a personalized touch to any celebration.
Lastly I decided to include cake pops, that I have a love/hate relationship with baking. The time consuming frustrating little pops are also a child favorite and watching a child reach out for one of these sweet creations made it an easy choice to include.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Cupcake Menu

Cupcakes : 

Mini    Regular Large
$4.5             $11             $18  
per dozen 

 Cake Flavors:

White, Vanilla-Butter, Marble,
Double- Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, White Chocolate,  
Carrot, Banana, Strawberry, Lemon, 
Red Velvet, Mocha & Coffee Bean 

Frosting Flavors:

Vanilla Buttercream*, Milk Chocolate Buttercream, 
Cream Cheese, Peanut Butter, White Chocolate*, 
Strawberry, Raspberry, Lemon, Blueberry, 
Coffee Bean, Caramel, 
Whipped*, Chocolate Whipped

*Can be tinted 

Tinted Frosting can be tie-dyed 2 colors on mini cupcakes, 2-3 colors on regular cupcakes and 2-4 colors on jumbo cupcakes